The British Association of Clinical Anatomists (BACA) was established on the 7th July 1977 in the United Kingdom to advance the study and research into Clinical Anatomy for the public benefit. 

The Association has, through its two meetings each year, and its Journal, Clinical Anatomy, set out to achieve excellence in Clinical Anatomy for all Health Professionals and those engaged in Teaching or Research.

Anatomy is interpreted in the broadest sense, to include gross topography, imaging anatomy in all modalities, microscopic anatomy and ultra-structure, development and growth before and after birth, neuroanatomy and the developing field of movement science. 

Membership of the Society is open to those with a clinical or scientific interest in its objectives. The Association welcomes all those with an interest in Clinical Anatomy to attend its meetings and present the results of their scientific work or case studies. Particular support is offered to Junior Academic and Clinical Staff and students who would wish to gain experience in presentation of their work.

Our Objectives


Host two scientific meetings per year and build a Community of Practice 


Publish articles in the Journal of Clinical Anatomy and facilitate presentations at meetings


Present Member Spotlight and host Keynote Speakers at meetings


Offer opportunities for development 


Communicate our vision to a wider audience


Further knowledge in our field

Meet the Team

The British Association of Clinical Anatomists trading as BACA (2014) ltd. Company Est. 2014. Registered Office: BACA (2014) ltd, 120 Walter Road, Swansea, SA1 5RF. Company number 08986489. Registered Charitable Company Number 1160635. Copyright © 2021 BACA - All Rights Reserved.
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