Joanna Matthan is a clinical anatomist and medical educationalist, with a background in Medicine and English. She is Director of Academic Studies and Senior Lecturer at the School of Dental Sciences at Newcastle University in the UK. After sidestepping into academia from clinical medicine, she has focussed on developing and deepening her clinical anatomical knowledge, primarily head and neck anatomy. She lectures and teaches anatomy to medical and dental students, postgraduate dentists, postgraduate medical graduates training to be surgeons, anaesthetists, and radiologists and a wide range of other healthcare professionals. She also voluntarily runs dissection modules for senior medical students with an interest in surgery. Her research interests range from anatomical themes to wider medical education ones and she has contributed to several books relating to anatomy. She has collaborations across the anatomy sector and is Deputy Honorary Secretary of the Anatomical Society, Secretary of the Trans-European Pedagogic Anatomical Research Group (TEPARG) and represents the Anatomical Society on the European Federation for Experimental Morphology.