Philip Adds retired in 2021 as Reader in Anatomy, Head of Anatomy, and Admissions Tutor for Medicine at St George’s, University of London. He taught Anatomy to medical and associated healthcare students for over twenty years. Prior to that, he worked in the Tissue Services division of the National Blood Service.
His areas of research include applied musculoskeletal anatomy, and the surgical anatomy of the orbital adnexa; he has published widely on these and other anatomical topics. He is the BACA Editor of ‘Clinical Anatomy’ and the Editor-in-Chief of ‘The Journal of Plastination’, and co-author of two anatomy textbooks: Adds & Shahsavari (2011) The Musculoskeletal System, London, Informa Healthcare; and Baker & Adds (2022) Anatomy: Regional, Surgical and Applied, CRC Press.