BACA Annual National Student Essay
Students from the UK and Ireland are invited to submit an essay, between 1000-1500 words, discussing the following topic:
How might anatomy intersect with the virtual world?
The competition is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students who are enrolled in a full-time Science or Clinical Programme at a recognised teaching institution in the UK and Ireland. Applicants MUST be a BACA member.
Essays should be written in Calibri size 12-font, double spaced and referenced in the Harvard style. Essays should be between 1500-2000 words (excluding cover page and reference list).
- Essays to be submitted to BACA communication officer [email protected] by 30th November, 2023, 16:00 hours GMT. Your submission will be acknowledged.
- Name the file with your surname and initial. Only Microsoft Word (doc, docx) format or PDF format will be accepted.
- On the cover page include the following:
- Your name, email address, your institution, the programme you are enrolled at and year of study.
- A signed statement of originality, in this you will be required to confirm the following: “I certify that the attached material is my own work. I also certify that I have formally credited or formally acknowledged the words and ideas of others.”
- Your information will be dealt with in accordance to the GDPR. Your details will only be used for the purposes of contacting you regarding your submission. It will not be used for any other reason or given or sold to any other company or organization.
- On a new page, start your essay. Your essay page(s) should not include any identifying information such as your name or your institution.
- Due to the anticipated high number of submissions, BACA may not always be able to provide individual feedback.
The winning essay from the undergraduate and postgraduate categories will receive a certificate and £100 cash prize
Can I include graphs or images in my essay?
Yes, you may include graphs and/or images. Any accompanying text (legends) will be included in the word count (legends). Images used should be properly referenced.
Does the word count include references and figures?
The word count does not include your references list or the words included within your figure. However, it does include the accompanying text to the figures (legends).
Can I enter if I am not a BACA member?
No, this competition is open to BACA members only. To become a member of BACA, an application form must be filled and submitted through BACA website. The membership subscription fee must be fully paid before membership is valid.
What referencing style should I use?
Harvard style
When is the final deadline?
The deadline is 30th November 2023,16:00 hours GMT. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
When will the winner be announced?
All participants will be informed of the results approximately 8-10 weeks after the submission date. The winner will be contacted directly and their name announced in the next BACA meeting Program.
Whom should I contact if I have a problem?
You may contact us at [email protected] for any enquiries.